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Donator Policy

Spare Leechme.blogspot some Donation

Running this site requires a huge amount of resources. To maintain this site without paying users, we are highly dependable on the generated income from our site advertisements. Consider clicking the advertisements which interests you to support us.

We would also appreciate donation of any amount. If you like this site and you don't want it to go away, consider donating. This site's future depends on you. Thank you.

Donation will be used to but not limited to:

    Purchasing of File Hosting Premium Accounts
    Purchasing of powerful Dedicated Servers
    Purchasing of bandwidth
    Upgrading of Dedicated Servers

seperti sedia maklum penerangan diatas,kami akan membuat satu policy iaitu setiap donator yang menderma akan mendapat kemudahan2 seperti berikut :

1) Boleh meletakkan link sekali gus (2-3 link)
2) Boleh request movie / software link (jika ada pada kami )
3) Mendapat link premium untuk quota limit link seperti RG / DEPO
4) Mendapat nick kaler yang lain dari normal user

Dan untuk menjayakan ini setiap donator harus menderma sebanyak RM20 sahaja setiap 2 bulan,jika tidak renew pada bulan selanjutnya maka akan automatic padam didalam system.
Jika dikira ini dapat menjimatkan para donator kerana dengan RM20 kamu dapat download semua link secara premium dan boleh meminta para mod / admin mencarikan link untuk kamu.

 sekian terima kasih.

as aware of the above, we will make a policy that each donator who donates will get benefit as follows:

1) Can put links at once (2-3 links)
2) Can request movie / software link (if available to us)
3) Getting to the quota limit premium link link like RG / Depo
4) Getting nick colour other than normal user

And to do this every donator should be donated only RM20 per 2 month, if not renew the next month it will automatically delete in the system.
If this is calculated it can save the donator and for the RM20 you can download all the links in the premium and  ask the mode / admin find the link to u.
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